Saturday, March 12, 2011

Economic advancement in 19th century (Philippines)

Under the Spanish rule, Philippines experienced a development in terms of their economy, due to some products that can be found here like: tobacco, sugar, coffee and this gave rise to trade in European and Asian markets. There are new social classes that was recognize: 
  •  Sangleys or Chinese merchants became skilled middlemen in trade and craftsmanship.
  • Principalia was the landed political elite that leased their lands to Chinese investors and other entrepreneurs like British, American and German investors. 
With these new social classes, the Philippines experienced a good economy however, the Spaniards are the ones benefiting and Filipinos got small benefits. 

However, we have illustrados, like Jose Rizal who in those times taught of revolting because of the feeling that Filipinos should be experiencing the success and having access to the benefits.    

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