Monday, March 14, 2011

A first look (history of Kenya)

After giving you a glimpse about Kenya, let's talk about their history.

So, Kenya is a country that was populated by small tribal groups. The groups that dominated there nation were as follows: Kikuyu, Kamba, Luo and Masai.

By 1st Century, Kenya was invaded by the Arabs because of the Arabian Peninsula where they established colonies in Kenya. 

By 1498, Portuguese arrived and Arabs dominance on Kenya weakened, but soon enough the Portuguese gave its way to Islamic Control.

Then, time passed and 19th Century came and another European influence came along to conquer Kenya, it is United Kingdom. 

As you can see, Kenya was dominated by other countries and preferably by the western countries, they used their good location to enable trade in that country. 

Did you know that?

Yes, did you know that East Africa was divided into several territories due to the influence of the European countries.

The British Government founded the East African Protectorate and not later they allowed white settlers in their land. 

During the British era in Kenya, Asians and Africans are excluded from political partaking until 1944. During this time many Indians are brought to Kenya to work on the Kenya Uganda Railway Line

Kenya Uganda Railway is 
a historical railway system linking the interiors of Uganda and Kenya to the Indian Ocean at Mombasa in Kenya. 

Just like the Philippines, Kenya also wanted to break free from their British colonizers, they even took a secret oath to fight for their freedom. 

It is clear that Kenya suffered in the hands of the colonizers, they work for them while they are in their own native land and I guess, with these happenings in the past, Kenya underwent a serious poverty because of the fact that they are colonized by other countries.  

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