Monday, March 14, 2011

Poverty In The Philippines

Since the 1980s, the Philippines ’ Anti-Poverty situation remained a major problem in the Philippines .
According to the Population Commission, there are about 30.6 million Filipinos suffering from poverty.   Out of all the Southeast Asian countries, the Philippines is the worst when in comes to poverty.   About 15.3 million Filipinos are subsistence individuals meaning that they do not make enough money to provide for basic food requirements.   
In 1999, the World Bank said that the Philippines had a per capita GNP or gross national product for each person of $1,050.   This is being compared to China 's $780, Indonesia 's $600, Vietnam 's $370, Lao's $290, and Cambodia 's $280.   By looking at this, you probably think that these other Asian countries have a higher percent of people living in poverty.   That assumption is wrong.   The Philippines has a higher percent of poverty because the wealth is only concentrated on few people.   In the Forbes magazine, there were at least five Filipino billionaires.   Places like France , Finland , the Netherlands , Norway , and Sweden do not have even one representative to the billionaires circle.   This shows that money is not distributed equally in the Philippines .   

There are many causes of economic difficulties leading to mass poverty and hunger.   One cause could be foreign debts servicing.   This means that the Philippines must owe money to the World Bank.   More than 60% of the Philippines budget goes to the World Bank.   Unequal distribution of land and other resources is another cause that leads to poverty.   Out of the whole population, only 20% own and control agricultural lands.   Another cause could be under cultivation of agricultural lands.   Only 13 million hectares are cultivated.   There are about 17 million hectares of land that are not being used.
Did you know a couple of years ago in the Philippines a little over half of the country’s population was living below the poverty line? These statistics show just how vital health is. The high rate of people in need of a job is very insufficient because the lack of access to land, also which makes it very tough to build buildings and open up more job markets. A history of inappropriate economic policies contributed to high unemployment and a high proportion of the labor force. Most Filipinos doesn’t have work or if they do, their salary is below the minimum wage. In the Philippines an average family of 6 only earns $140.00 (6300 php) a month, and an average family in America can earn that within one week of work. Based on National Wages and Productivity Commission.

I have concluded that the Philippines are living in poverty due to the uneven distribution of lands and that should be given to farmers for farming, mismanagement of the government, and corruption. The government should pay attention to this problems, all they need is sincere public service, being selfless and caring for their fellow Filipinos, Philippines will be free from poverty.


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