Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hello Bloggers, as you can see the previous entries talked about the Philippines and the life of the Filipinos back in the 19th and 20th Century. I have clearly laid out how Filipinos were dominated by the Spaniards and the Americans. however, we Filipinos did their best to out throw their colonizers but I guess their troops are not that big and they are inexperienced when it comes to battling. But Filipinos kept their heads held high. 

With the happenings in the 19th and 20th Century, their is a big mass poverty for the main reason that they are dominated by other countries and that just means less benefits for the Filipinos and big benefits for the colonizers. 

While I was blogging, I just thought that they are colonizing the Philippines for the reason that we have good resources and they want to take advantage of that resources. however, it is good that Filipinos became aware even though, Spaniards colonized the Philippines for a long time. 

After synthesizing about the Philippine life during the 19th and 20th century. I want to study the mass poverty that happened in Kenya in the same era (19th and 20th century)

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